Modern Age: President Simulator Review

 Modern Age: President Simulator is a game from the Ukranian company Oxiwyle that, as the name implies, simulates the life as the President of a country. The game is quite good, if you enjoy games of simulation, especially those which simulate geopolitical problems and ways to solve it.

The game has a good mechanic: to begin with, the game starts off with very few factories and a starving population (at least, this is what I experience while playing with my country, Portugal). We don't have gold as a natural resource, therefore the money is very low and it'll decrease tendencially and exponencialy if you don't watch countless videos to earn more 40 of a daily income for the country. This if you want to keep up with the constant necessity to spend money to buy the necessary goods (food) to keep your population fed and happy, because not having gold as a natural resource makes you unable build gold mines. This is, in my optic, a downside of this game.

There is also the necessity to invest in research and public services, what will decrease the daily income of the watched videos. All in all, it's an investment of the State. All this, while not getting any other income: you can increase taxes, but it's always way too low when compared to whatever you need to spend, either ocasionally or the aforementioned investment on public services. Either you continue to watch videos, to keep up with a comfortable incoming rent or you're constantly going to the commerce tab to sell some goods, if you have any to sell (if you visit this website, you have some guides and better way to thrive).

The game also lacks some political actors, like the EU (European Union), which I believe would be quite interesting to see in such a game and to see howit would affect the country you're playing with if it belonged to the EU. I took a glimpse at the second game of this franchise and it is more complete, although the EU is still missing and some of the mentioned problems here still persist: a starving population, very few factories and very little money incoming, although I believe it may have more direct ways to earn extra cash. Anyway, I am here to review the game I am currently playing, which is the first one!

So if I had to rate this game, I'd give it a six in ten (6/10): the huge problem with the very few factories at the beginning, the difficulty to earn money when your country lacks natural resources worthy of a ton of cash and the constant decrease of your relationship status with other countries, even when you don't have harmful behavior towards them makes this game more difficult and a little annoying to keep up with, but it's quite amusing in general.


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