Randonautica and... YouTubers?

 Have you ever heard about this app for your mobile phone called Randonautica? If not, I also don't know much about this app. The little I know is from some YouTube videos that I have been watching and the app supposedly works with quantum physics, that interacts with your thoughts and with the intent you put on the app, while it's generating a random location.

Although Randonautica seems to have gained it's fame through TikTok, after a group of teenagers have spotted a cadaver in a suitcase while using the app, the truth is Randonautica seems to have become something bigger. I was watching one video on YouTube... Nuke's Top 5, I guess?, when Randonautica popped up in one of the videos that this guy (who's actually one of the few YouTubers that I follow and who I actually love and enjoy). I think that the video was the one whose article I shared above.

With this written, I came across a couple of YouTubers who seem to make videos while playing Randonautica and ghost hunting: the plot consists of two YouTube channels, Jasko and CJ Faison. Although neither the ghost hunting, nor the Randonautica videos seem real at most - because I think it's hard to believe that both find cell phones lost on the nowhere, receiving phone calls from a single number with the same caller, being them from two separate states of the USA - the videos are quite entertaining and they're some sweet eye candies. However, the video from those teenagers made it to the American news and there are many reports of people finding themselves in weird situations. The videos of people finding corpses and what not multiply throughout the Internet, although we're mostly aware of how the internet works.

So this text didn't serve much, but I wanted to write something about this app. Like I mentioned at the opening of the text, I don't lknow much about this app, except that it supposedly "reads" your mind, while using quantum physics to generate a random location, where you'll have to find something related to the intent you had while the location was randomly generated. I have seen suggestion that this app might not working with the thoughts, but that it might spy you through the mobile phone's mic, what makes some people just think instead of speaking out loud of their intent.

Although I am certain that it must've been on Nuke's Top 5 channel that I have seen the mention to this app, because I do not follow any other YouTubers of this kind, I know that both Jasko and CJ appeared on another channel, whose video I opened randomly because of the mention to Randonautica. I'll leave a few links to channels (some already in this text) that make or made some videos of Randonautica trips, eventhough many of the stuffs are (or seem) staged. However, if you're into ghost hunting and adventures of this kind, like urban exploration, you'll likely enjoy their channels.

I am quite sure that are other great YouTubers out there, that make this kind of content, real or fake, however those are the ones that I have been kinda binge watching in the last couple of days. Like i have written already, they're some nice eye candy, even if the content is staged, what most likely is, it's good entertainment and i think that it's always good to share the channels we like the most. It doesn't mean that those big channels need much more help, but it means that more people with interest in this kind of things can find it and enjoy it as much as I do!


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