
Lately, I started receiving messages of all kinds to adhere to Peoople and my first thought was: "oh no, not another social network"! Understand that I use a little too many, like Facebook & Messenger, WhatsApp & Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat & Tumblr. Recently deleted a newly created account on Reddit, because I was there mostly to discover free ebooks and subreddits directed to the occult... well, you see the paraphernalia and the amount of people I follow and, or, befriended still freaks me out quite too much.
After the initial thoughts, I've decided to check the Google PlayStore and to see what was all this fuss about and it happens that this is something that might be useful, especially if you're seeking new series & movies to watch, new books to watch, restaurants to go and try (according to what it says in the PlayStore), this might be the best app for you. This may even be the next great hit of apps to recommend whatever to your friends, acquaintances and strangers who might happen to follow you. I am just not too confident that the app will "pay off", if you follow some of the necessary steps to earn points. It seems that it promises to monetize your opinions and recommendations past a certain level. Anyway, let's see.
One final note, I made my first recommendation of a series that I have recently started watching and on which I am in the final season: "Penny Dreaful". I got my first like in my first recommendation. :) To be fair, I'd say that the app would be better if you rated the series and the movies, the books and whatever places you'd recommend, but "recommending" says it all about the app.


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