
I've seen that tag around. On Facebook. On Twitter.
#metoo - I but what do they mean with that tag? What's that they are trying to tell us with "me too"? I haven't gone further on what this hashtag means, but it seems that this hashtag has to do with the demonstration of the women who have been sexually harassed by men.
OK. To begin with, I'm not a woman. Then, I feel that I have to say, once again, that I am a gay man. And what do gay men might have to do with that hashtag? Well, I write of my own experience, that we, too, can get sexually harassed. It might come from another gay men, from women and, more recurrent in my life, it comes from straight guys.
Trying to fit this to my point, I have shared an article that spoke of the rape, torture and murder of a trans activist in Turley, last year. With that article, I have shared a quote of the text that said something about those who look at us as sexual objects. And it's true - when you are not the typical homosexual, dealing with other homosexuals, perhaps you're not even effeminate, but you deal with dominant guys, who will feel very homophobic in your presence, or others who need to impose their superiority through sex. And you stand speeches, touches, the idea you need to "prove them something" or the simple curiosity. And they grab or slap your ass, in the most varied occasions.
So #metoo. I have been sexually harassed, I still go through some of the described situations. I am avoiding some of the guys, but it gets harder when you work in a café, on the ghetto you live in. It gets even harder, when most of the guys you deal with are the kinda dominant guys or, at least, the charming dudes, calling you straight to a trap - as if you didn't knew the whole game by now.
#metoo, I've had someone cat calling me, touching me, sometimes even forcing me to do undesired things. So I stand with the women I saw sharing this hashtag. I stand for your right to walk the streets in peace.


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