Going home!!

I am still at my grand dad's old village. Well, in one neighboor village, about 1 km away from there, but I am here, writing, enjoying a few minutes in a cultural association. with free internet. I have to return to Cacém to pay my bills, to pay my late laptop bills, to pay the internet bill, that's why I have been shut off from my internet account! I am enjoying a few minutes of peace here, in this tiny room, listening to Mariza, with a song called "Minh'alma" (My Soul) and she can please me! It fits me well!!
All I know right now, is that I need to return home, to get a job and pay my bills, face the life, face the world and follow my dreams. This year, I have had a "waking-up-day", a will to weep and tear the world with all of my inner soul! I need to go, to move on!!

When I get my internet back, I will write more and better on this sde of my blogs, the Universal one! See you soon... I hope!!


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