So many things to think about...
... Nowhere to run from here! This is what is going on my mind now. But it's enough of running away from everything which is new, everything which seems to scary for me to face. I need to earn some strenght to fight all those fears and phobias. I really do! Anyway, I am not running, I will stanbd to face everything around me. I am so far from what I have been and so far from what I still will be.
Anyway, after posting this picture, I just stood for a little while of two or three seconds staring at it and I think this is one of my best pictures, though for some so-said-normal-people it may seem weird or even awful. I am what I am, may you like it or hate it. I really need to see that when I look in the mirror, someone who likes himself, gay, straight, gothic, punk, thug, happy, sad, live, dead... I feel happy when I wear that way, when I live like I feel comfortable.
I have so many things to think about and nowhere to run or hide. Stupid words, I don't need to run or to hide, I need to face it and all of them, all of those who thinks I am awful when I am maked-up, with my gothic-like-clothing, or when I am just dirty, or something. I am what I am, may you like it or not. Look well at me and try to guess if I care you like me, my dressing style, or not...
For all those people who are always trying to help me, thank you so much for standing all those things and for caring. I LOVE YOU ALL AND I LOVE YOU TOO, R., THOUGH NOW, IT'S ME TRYING TO PROTECT YOU! THANKS EVERYONE FOR COMING UP ON MY LIFE AND FOR BEING MY ANGELS!
All your,