
I am listening to a Fado called "Ouvi Dizer Que Me Esqueceste", which means "I Heard That You Forgot Me", sung by Celeste Rodrigues, sister of the amazing AMÁLIA RODRIGUES! I do prefer the fresh and young voice of Ana Moura singing it...

I am feeling dizzy with lots of things going by in my life lately. I've been transfered from the restaurant in Algés to the one in Massamá, I was feeling happy and OK, but now it seems I fell down once again. My happiness and joy lasts few days and I feel in the usual sad or melancholic mood, trying to find myself. The manager of the restaurant I work at says I am a fake gothic, because I laugh quite a lot, I am nice and cool manered, easy going and to deal with. She don't really knows me, that's the truth... But lately, I've been an actor around Life... A very good actor!!

Tonight, I am not feeling exactly well to write, but lately I just write on MSN and on my notebook to take the costumers requests... Dammit!! I need to go back to what I was, even that use to destroy me... I need to be me again!


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