Some Kind Of Destruction

It´s quite funny to watch how people judge you only for a matter of "styles"... Nowadays, we can´t talk much about styles, but about life styles. Well, it's stilll quite funny to hear people saying that I'm tired, when I'm feeling great with all the darkness inside of me. I know, the "out view" is quite important, but I don't feel it like being all of me. Ok, I admit, I'm not very well, I'm feeling empty inside, melancholic... I don't know! I fail to understand myself... I'm sorry, I'm not OK, so don't ask me for beautiful words... Emptiness... Sadness... Melancholy... A bit of Fado would help me, but it's Dani Filth who's singing on my mp3... Funny thing, I used to feel powerful when I heard this guy... But this emptiness is not helping!! Nothing does!!
After yelling at my mother, I took an anti-depressant, a pill that I wasn't supposed to take... I drank alcohol... I'm wanting to get drunk, or highed... Stoned... It would be good!!! It would be very good!!!
I hate you all, people, you who can make me doubt of myself... I'm proud of what and of who I am!!! Maybe I'll die tonight... Tomorrow we'll see!!!