Johnny Depp, Amber Heard And The Media


I have been pondering about wether to write this or not, but this makes sense to me. I tend to voice my opinion on quite a few things, topics and people, and this is one of those topics (and this beautiful person portrayed here) that I feel the need to write about.

As most people seem to know, Johnny Depp is in court, batling a defamation lawsuit that he opened / filed against his ex-wife Amber Heard. Not that long ago, Johnny Depp has been accused by her (I'll avoid typing her name or name calling, as I feel like doing so) of domestic violence. As usual, when a woman claims that she has suffered of domestic violence, men are seen as the villain, without the so called presumption of innocence. And this is what happened in this relationship and the supposed violence from Jonnhy Depp: Hollywood hurried to destroy Johnny Depp, he's been stripped of movie roles, like the iconic Jack Sparrow, tabloids harrassed the man and made him guilty... of something he was innocent of. It turns out that Johnny Depp was the real victim of domstic violence, who has been beated, abused, saw his bed shat on (yes, that witch of Amber Heard shat on the couple's bed) and so on, so forth. If you are interested on details, just do a quick search on Google, Bing or wherever you do your searches - those details will be there and will be easily found. If you are interested in testimonies and even funny moments from the court, YouTube is also available.

Moving to the point, what has been annoying me is that the very same media that now gives "heartwarming" or "funny moments" from the courtroom, were the very same that helped Amber Heard (BITCH!) to use of defamation against Johnny Depp. The very same actors and actresses and TV hosts that now tweet #JusticeForJohnnyDepp, were the same to put the man's image down. I could continue to write about the media, actors, platforms and so on that harrassed, judged and attacked a man's character, who called him of a "wife beater" and sided with Amber Heard lies without batting an eye, now bathe on hypocrisy by trying to clean their image. This is exactly what is annoying me: it isn't only Amber Heard that defamed Johnny Depp, it's the countless people, tabloids, blogs et cetera that aided that witch to ruin a man's life and reputation.

And this took me a few days to ponder wether to write it or not - because like I read on Reddit the other day, men are a target. If you are a white heterosexual man, you're a favorite target. I am on a subreddit called Ask Gay Bros and even those men attack white gay men - being white and male, makes you a favorite and easy target. And without considering race or sexuality, Johnny Depp is a man. And a woman's word was worth more than the truth - she was the agressor, yet people sided with her without thinking if it was truth or without presuming Depp's innocence. And although this text is also full of keywords, way too many people are trying to get some advantage of Johnny Depp's court case against that woman, either for likes, views or the sense that someone sees them, even if it's through the suffering of others. And it's disgusting.


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