downloading videos: and what do I do with them?

There are apps that let you do the download of videos from Twitter and other social utilities. If they don't work, upload them to your Google photos apps and you can stabilise them there and they'll work perfectly; this even makes it possible that you upload those videos to other platforms (twitter, tumblr, instagram, pinterest, etc.).
I have had an account on Twitter where I published some nudes of mine and mostly porn. One of the accounts that got suspended, had almost 10.000 followers and if it was still working, it would make sense to upload those videos. However, my personal account has only 222 followers (mostly because, since 2011, I kept removing followers and hoping for more to come up!) And it's just that: a personal account! And on the other hand, I don't have a kind of material that I want to share: if I see a video of the porn star Billy Essex and I download it because I love the dude (quite a laid back dude, believe me!), I would upload it just to state the obvious of his hotness; another example, is a video of lava breaking the crust of a Vulcano and running down. Beautifully destructive and visually pleasing, but what would be the sense to post it?
I have started talking to a sweet Brazilian dude on Twitter and I have exposed this insecurity to him. He told me to do whatever pleased me, without thinking too much. And I would love to be able to do it, without this extra thought I put into stuff. And without the need to come here, write down about this as if anyone care about this.
So here I am, in lock down due to the Corona Virus (the Chinese Virus or the Covid19), suffering with useless things, that will never ever add up anything to my life. 
The sun shines outside. The streets are deserted and my succulents are happy with the sun they are getting at the window. I want to go out, but... well, I will not disrespect the quarantine, then feel suffering because others call me out for this.


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