
Showing posts from October, 2019

Battle Bay: a very negative review of a mobile game

Well, I am not sure if I have ever written about this or any game, but here comes the time that I get to do it. So Battle Bay is a game that belongs to Rovio,  the trademark of other games like Angry Birds. In this game, you pilot your boat with other 4 players in your team, against five other. There, you can got on three game modes that are Casual, Ranked (that gives or takes you infamy points, according with wins and losses) and Custom, where other players can add you to a match with other selected players. These are some of the basics into this game and I am leaving out some features that have been removed throughout the times. If you're into these kinda games, then this one's for you... or maybe not. To begin with, I have been playing this game for two / three years. And as years have advanced, as the game as suffered some modifications, the complaints start to increase. To start with, let me tell that some players have no idea of what a team game means. Either they go solo...

A propósito das minhas stories, dos meus tweets e de seguir algumas pessoas nas variadas redes sociais

Enviei umas stories para o Instagram e comecei a enviar uns tweets, mas acabei por desistir. Comecei por escrever um texto, do qual desisti. Escrever no telemóvel, não é a melhor opção, mas é a única que tenho neste momento.  2019 foi um ano nefasto em vários sentidos. Sem dar demasiados detalhes, percebi que, mesmo procurando estranhos para falar, na estúpida crença de que o julgamento virá em menor proporção, é o mesmo que dar pérolas a porcos. Ninguém entenderá e, se porventura for demasiado transparente sobre mim e sobre a minha essência, já estou a colocar um preconceito sobre por que envio mensagens. Não interessa. Sei-me, há muito tempo, só e abracei essa condição sem remorso. Há noites que custam a passar, que se traduzem em insónias envoltas no fumo dos cigarros fumados uns atrás dos outros. Eu sei. Sei, também, que não posso ser demasiado transparente sobre mim e sobre a minha essência, sem entregar-me à boca do lobo do preconceito, sem colocar um alvo na testa e outro na...

I know It Has Been A While

I know it has been a long, long time since I last wrote something here. Or it has been a long time since I wrote anything at all. In the last six to seven months, my life has given a turn of 180 degrees. And it could be something good, if it weren´t for health matters (not my own) and for death matters as well (then again, not my own death). I do not want to disclose too many details and I think it doesn’t matter to any strangers that may stumble upon my blog. I am back and I´m not sure if I´ll stay here for too long. I have mentioned my desire to move ahead and switch my blog: perhaps start over here on Google or even switch platforms. My friend E. told me to keep going here and to correct whatever I wanted to correct and do whatever I thought that might needed to be done, but I still feel like starting over. In the last months, when my world crumbled down, I thought I could start over everything about my life online: my social networks, my blogs… and it still means everything. ...