
Showing posts from August, 2013

here I am...

I am at the cafe in the afternoon. The day is very, very hot. The blue sky almost looks like it is turning onto gray. Inside the cafe (the one where I usually go only on Sundays), the open door and the open window makes a very pleasant and comforting breeze. In the last hour, I've been seing my Facebook at my aunt's tablet. I still need to learn how to use it a bit better. Right now, a few people are talking in the other side of the cafe. A dude who had a girl in a fluorescent pink suit by his side, talks to another dude who used to be my school mate. That ex-school mate of mine still looks at me after all these years. That guy still recognizes my face everywhere he meets me. But we're still strangers. Like now, that he just went to get one pack of cigarettes, he was looking at me. He just sat in his chair and his eyes were set on me. It feels rather strange and uncomfortable. I have to say that, in the other hand, I'm already used to such turns from life. I'...

One month away...

it took me 20 days away, one wedding, lots of forest fires (although they've been seen through the TV or in a safe distance) to realise way too many things. Human beings are stupid by nature. They burn down everything. They turn everything onto ashes. Human beings are a bit like the wind: they can be pleasant, but they can also change their direction just like that. A friend, in times very important to me, is someone who turned out to be an indifferent person to me nowadays. He's far away and he "changed" me for someone with better and bigger toys. We can see how that friendship has developed. Seing from far, the smoke is a Huge and very, very tall tower. The witch is in the top of the tower, waving her wand and her huge nails to the world. it burns and keeps burning and the full moon is red. The full moon in the sky turned out to be red. Not that strong red that it were years ago, but it was a red full moon. I went to a wedding. I had lots of plans for these ...

Quando O/A Mestre/A Se Torna O Inimigo

Acabei por apagar a outra entrada. Sabia que poderia causar alguns problemas, caso essa possibilidade de leres aquelas linhas se tornasse uma realidade. Nesta música que tu me apresentaste, ficam aqui muitas palavras de verdade. Fica aqui para ti!


As minhas ideias... as minhas ideias são muitas e variadas... quero mudar e quero avançar... quero escolher os caminhos que possam levar-me ao sucesso do melhor jeito: não do mais rápido, mas do mais eficaz e mais "puro". Digamos que sempre ambicionei fama e fortuna, mas que fosse fama e fortuna dos meus trabalhos, por muito fortes que fossem. Sei que aquela minha amiga em especial, é capaz de ler estas linhas. Tenho recebido alguns comentários dela e um deles falava do antigo template. Esse mesmo comentário, fez-me ponderar que, apesar de eu estar a pensar em alterar os meus blogs, em "desligá-los", reencaminhando todo o "suporte vital" da minha escrita para um único sítio, fazendo com que a minha escrita por aqui fosse ficando "intermitente", até ser finalmente "desligada a tal máquina de suporte vital", este blog aqui poderá ficar e poderei regressar aos velhos "lugares", ao velho template, deixando todas as inovações para ...

Leaving soon!!

  I'll be leaving to that old, old village in the middle of nowhere! I've been here about half an hour ago and I just stood checking my Facebook, my Twitter, The alterium and so on! the time run dry! the time in the Internet has ended and I haven't typed anything that really pleased me! one entry in Portuguese in my other blog! I have been checking stuffs and planning entries, but at the time I've been here, I haven't been able to type anything! That's why I do feel the urge to start writing things in a paper before coming here and trying to write anything. I've read this in a blog I've visited not too long ago, through an old comment I've read to one of my entries! This made me think! This made me realise that I need to start planning things a bit better! Soon, real soon I'll be 400 km's away from here! soon, I'll be in that very, very old village, that's almost abandoned. The old stories I've heard from that place are insi...