Light and Darkness

Where all the souls have their meeting! Light and darkness: where my soul lies now, between both factions. Almost like in that story of mine, about lost angels. Those angels who have choosen not to choose between light and darkness, living on their own way. They can always be up to do good or bad things, without having any kind of leader. That same story that I have lost, when my very old computer has broken for the first time, taking my fictions (or attempts of it) with it.

Light and darkness! My soul burns with doubts! The cold of Winter or the Summer heat? The light of the afternoons or the darkness of the night? Angel or demon? None or both of them?

Where to go, Lord, where to go?...

Nothingness or fully of it all?

Where to go?? Where not to?

Burn me! Freeze me! Use and abuse me!

Make me yours! Don't take me at all!

Let me lie in the lie of days... Let me live in the paths of life... Take me away in the Death's carriage!


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