What's wrong?

There's something going wrong in the last two days. I've been feeling so well, that it's almost like I could never be sad, or like if I've never been sad before. I am so nice, that I am even afraid of what may come next.
Anyway, in the last few days, I've been so well, that the sun shines like it have never shun for me in the last few years. Today, in the train on way home, after work, I was listening to a song of Mariza, called "Morada Aberta". It was nice to see the view out of the window, the sun in the horizon. It was really nice! I loved this feeling, in the last few days!! And I will make it last as much as I can!
Anyway, I am still anxious about my loneliness. Sometimes, it's like it was a sure for me, something I am sure I wish for my life, but in the other hand, I still have my lonely hours, when I do wish someone to calm me down, to make me feel comfortable, someone to make me smile...
I still have humour oscilations as well, I feel sad, happy, angry or anything like this in a matter of seconds... I am still tragic, dramatic, sad, melancholic. I am all this by nature, but I am smiling more often, more honestly... Most of time away, far away, in distant lands inside my own soul, looking for something I don't even know what it is - happiness?
Oh well, there's any kind of madness in me, in my behaviour, and that makes me lost. Lost... A lost thing in happy "things", in happy behaviours for the time being!


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