Rising up again

I am coming up again... I have been down for a while. Away while I was working in that restaurant I mentioned so many times, because of my lack of time, my lack of willing to write or my lack of anything else. Now, I am unemployed once again, but for my soul, it's OK in a certain measure, because I am feeling in the right moods to write my poems, to try to write them in English, to paint again, to go on rewriting my stories, to singing again.
Like a phoenix, I am rising from my ashes, from what was left of my soul and I will use it for painting... In the mood I was feeling in the last few days, I could write about sadness, emptiness, killing someone and drag his body on the mud... Painting, writing pages and pages on it, but my soul is peaceful now. Peaceful in a way I can call it peaceful... For some people if they saw my soul, they would see that my castle is still burning, that the war is just finishing, but I know this is an endless war... just like the phoenix, I am rising from my ashes. I am learning to love myself the way I am, I am learning to love some things in life... I know that people say it is too short, but for me it is so long and I have time for so many things. The only thing I think that's short in life is the fact of being young... After 28 years old, I will feel old, but till there, I still have 7 years left and they will take too long passing by!
More news later... I need to following on listening to Amália Rodrigues, on re-writing my diary, on re-writing some of my old stories, lost when my old Computer wrecked, to write more poems... I need to keep living and breathing my art... Maybe later, I will come back!! Maybe...