Randonautica and... YouTubers?
Have you ever heard about this app for your mobile phone called Randonautica? If not, I also don't know much about this app. The little I know is from some YouTube videos that I have been watching and the app supposedly works with quantum physics, that interacts with your thoughts and with the intent you put on the app, while it's generating a random location. Although Randonautica seems to have gained it's fame through TikTok, after a group of teenagers have spotted a cadaver in a suitcase while using the app, the truth is Randonautica seems to have become something bigger. I was watching one video on YouTube... Nuke's Top 5 , I guess?, when Randonautica popped up in one of the videos that this guy (who's actually one of the few YouTubers that I follow and who I actually love and enjoy). I think that the video was the one whose article I shared above. With this written, I came across a couple of YouTubers who seem to make videos while playing Randonautica and ...