
Showing posts from February, 2015


Saberás da verdade escondida dentro de mim? Saberás das dores, do que sinto, do que imagino? Saberás das minhas raízes e da minha busca eterna? Saberás dos castelos que persigo e que fogem continuamente? (os castelos não fogem, dirás, mas fogem sim. Fogem os meus castelos de fumo e de penumbra) Saberás dos imensos mundos em que caminhei? Saberás, apesar de tentar dar-te a verdade no silêncio, do quanto me magoa? Saberás? Será que saberei de alguma coisa, além de toda a mentira? Será que o mundo será o mesmo que amo, quando, numa outra vida, aqui regressar? Será que tudo terá o mesmo tom e o mesmo cheiro? (mesmo os mais fétidos) Será que tudo será o mesmo, o mesmo mar, a mesma História, a mesma fantasia? Não sei se saberás. Nem eu ouso saber tudo quanto me mata lentamente.

It has been a while

I have had somewhat of a block that has been stopping me from posting any lines - I feel like I can not write anything else than a simple letter. And even to write letters, I am putting huge efforts on it. I am sitting on a nearly empty cyber-shop. I am listening to some music and enjoying my moment. I am checking my Twitter, trying to decide what (not) to do. I am trying to write, but I interrupt my writing to see anything else quite often - it's OK. It's always OK to get whatever I am doing interrupted. It has been a while and some stuffs have been changing. I am opening myself to some new possibilities. And due to such "possibilities", I am interrupting myself again - for moments, I have forgoten that i should send a text message, instead of doing anything online. But it's OK. It's always OK. There isn't much to be said. In fact, I wonder if I have evber had anything to say at all. I'm fine. But being fine isn't enough. Nothing seems to b...